

Our friend Narelle was calling the Hoy at a social meeting that Olivia and I have been going to in recent months fortnightly on Fridays, her daughter Katie makes use of the wi-fi in the foreground, coincidentally it was also Narelle's birthday last Friday.
Until a fortnight ago I had never played Hoy which is merely a game of chance that fills in time but does give the mind a little bit of exercise as we have to react to the called card. We are given 13 cards from a deck and many decks may be used if the house is large but the tendency is to deal any persons hand from a single deck, the game ends when your 13th and last card is called.
My reason for long windedness is on my first ever game a fortnight ago the very first five cards called were in my hand, odds that by my calculations are a bit over the 1 in 2000 mark, then of course things rapidly returned to the usual failure and I didn't win, nor have I ever won a game but we do get to socialise a little, something for me that was lacking for many years.

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